National Library of Wales
Sealing Clause | no |
Language | Latin |
Has Good Prints? | no |
Has Partial Prints? | yes |
Description of Content
Grant by W[illiam], son of Gregory, to Margam Abbey, of the one pound of cumin (see No. 3) which Helyas de Turri, clerk to the Lady Alienor, the Queen of England, used to pay yearly for his land in the town of Chenefech, i.e. Kenfig. Witnesses: Richard de Card’, [Cardiff], steward; Hamo de Valoniis, Symon de Card’, [Cardiff], Reginald son of Symon; Robert the dapifer, and Drugo, brothers of the grantor; William Trihan, Gilebert the chaplain, Master Hereueus, Jordan the clerk, Safreus the cook.
Parties (from repository catalogue)
1) W[illiam], son of Gregory 2) The Church of the Blessed Mary of Margam and the brother monks of the same
Attachment Side | Left |
Attachment Type | Tongue |
Colour of Wax | green |
Condition of Wax | Fragment |
Contains print? | yes |
Good print? | no |
Partial print? | yes |
Condition | Broken |
Shape | Round |
Vertical Size (mm) | 47 |
Horizontal Size (mm) | 47 |
Design Description
Armoured man mounted on a horse. He is wearing a conical nasal helm. He is holding a sword behind him in his right hand and a shield in the left, its front facing away from the viewer. His horse galloping towards the right hand edge.
Made with Matrix
Matrix 675: Armoured man mounted on a horse. He is wearing a conical nas ...
+SIGILLVMWIL[. . . . . . . . . . .]GRE[.]O[.]II